Welcome !!


I’m Casey, Mummy to a little giddy baby boy called Avery who’s full of life. Were from Ireland and live in beautiful Donegal.

I have fallen in love with breastfeeding ( and back out again a few times:P ). Averys toosh gets nothing but fluffy love from cloth nappies and we have a love hate relationship with co sleeping.

Being 21 when becoming a mum did come with challenges but I have really found my niche in natural mothering. I want to keep a journal of my journey and experiences on this magical rollercoaster ride of motherhood.

                                                Casey 🙂

2 thoughts on “

  1. I jus found ur page and and read about breastfeeding I myself really wanted to breastfeed and wasn’t encouraged wen I had Elliott my baby who is nearly one now straight after I had him I was in a lot of pain and I couldn’t straight away when I mentioned to the nurses just hours later they said no was to late because they had gave him milk also I feel they didn’t take me seriously as I myself was only 21 at the time and really have regretted missing out on it will definitely do it wen I have another in the future I think it’s great your putting it out there and there should be more help with encouraging it well done


    1. Hi Debbie 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
      I understand your frustration with being treated like a young mum in the hospital. I felt like I wasn’t taken seriously even though I had put so much research and though into parenting.It makes you feel disappointed doesn’t it when your not taken seriously when it comes to your own body and child?! It is sad that young mums in Ireland are stereotyped but we can change that by voicing our opinions. Its great that you haven’t lost your desire to breastfeed and I hope that with your second baby you will have a great breastfeeding relationship! Just do your research on breastfeeding and how to get it started and stand up for yourself in the hospital. I had to put my foot down in the hospital when it came to the nurses giving my baby a bottle so make sure you speak up.

      If your in Ireland there is a section on the HSE website that’s called “Your service your say” and you can go on there and lodge a complaint explaining how you feel, every complaint made is a step closer to changing how patients are treated. I hope you and wee Elliot are good . x

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